veryy busyy busyy busyy. . .
Fiirstly, busyy helppiing lil bro wiith hiis EOY . reviised andd taught hiim liike everydayy!
fiirst tiime, ii hadd thiis ''tuition teacher feeliing''.
Secondlyy, school reopen-ed two weeks ago, was so utterly tiired by school stuff andd heavyy bagss.
was giivenn all the 8 modules assignment wiithin the fiirst week of school .
**anyone? save me!** better andd iimprovedd tiime management pls.
Lastt fridayy hadd clebratedd ana's 19th bdayy.
hadd ma la steamboat.!
boughtt a capp for her, noww she looked liike some korean ppl.
before that miss tan andd ii went to watch 20th century boys at ciine fiirst.
then meet korr return hiis mp3 andd he passed me hiis psp.
got games from lovelyy classmates. :)))
Lastt saturdayy went kiids cove wiith shelby andd liing.
hadd a diifficult tiime fiinding the place.
left after awhiile at kiids cove, wennt hougang mall wiith liing.
ate dessert.
black sesame paste, yummy!!
Thursdayy !
hadd butter makiing on philip tutorial for Environmental AwaReness.
was cool!
used whiipped cream andd tata ''BUTTERR'' was formedd!
**snapp snapp** fotos!
butter wiith sugarr onn breadd was yummyy!!!
eatt till full full! :)))

fiinally, was the end of week 2.
school endedd at 11am.
serriously depriived of sleep.
afterr lunchh wiith shelby at sing post.
home andd slepptt till 6pm.

Haiir liike permm ? haha. =/

cute lil bro. :)))
ii guess ii am becomiing more andd morre patiient .
lesser flare-ups.
ii am gladd thatt thiings were ablle to get backk to thiis wayy,
liike how iit usedd to be.
thankful though.
Fiirstly, busyy helppiing lil bro wiith hiis EOY . reviised andd taught hiim liike everydayy!
fiirst tiime, ii hadd thiis ''tuition teacher feeliing''.
Secondlyy, school reopen-ed two weeks ago, was so utterly tiired by school stuff andd heavyy bagss.
was giivenn all the 8 modules assignment wiithin the fiirst week of school .
**anyone? save me!** better andd iimprovedd tiime management pls.
Lastt fridayy hadd clebratedd ana's 19th bdayy.
hadd ma la steamboat.!
boughtt a capp for her, noww she looked liike some korean ppl.
before that miss tan andd ii went to watch 20th century boys at ciine fiirst.
then meet korr return hiis mp3 andd he passed me hiis psp.
got games from lovelyy classmates. :)))
Lastt saturdayy went kiids cove wiith shelby andd liing.
hadd a diifficult tiime fiinding the place.
left after awhiile at kiids cove, wennt hougang mall wiith liing.
ate dessert.
black sesame paste, yummy!!
Thursdayy !
hadd butter makiing on philip tutorial for Environmental AwaReness.
was cool!
used whiipped cream andd tata ''BUTTERR'' was formedd!
**snapp snapp** fotos!
butter wiith sugarr onn breadd was yummyy!!!
eatt till full full! :)))

fiinally, was the end of week 2.
school endedd at 11am.
serriously depriived of sleep.
afterr lunchh wiith shelby at sing post.
home andd slepptt till 6pm.
wentt popo house for diiner.
veryy long neber go viisit them andd eatt diiner at there ler.
so help-edd grandpa triim fiinger nail.
tv andd home-edd wiith lil bro.
Haiir liike permm ? haha. =/
cute lil bro. :)))
ii guess ii am becomiing more andd morre patiient .
lesser flare-ups.
ii am gladd thatt thiings were ablle to get backk to thiis wayy,
liike how iit usedd to be.
thankful though.
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