sometiimes ii thiink ii over-stress myyself wayy too much.
always pull-edd myself to the max.
andd noww ii feel uuterrly superr weary.
3 assiignments due thiis comiing week. tues, wed, thurs.
ii fiiniished all these 2 weeks ago.
thats whyy these few days, ii have been editing my own work over and over agaiin.
ii aint sure, just kneww ii had to.
call mii kiia-su or what.
ii dont care.
cause ii swearr ii dont liike the last miin rushiing feelling.
ii know ii cant takke iit.
thats whyy my weekends arre always burnt.
hadd a good 12hr of sleep :)
whichh ii haben had for the past 2 weeks or so.
sleeps can be sacriifiiced but not my grades.
at least, ii diid my best so no regrets even if the grades aiint that good.
liife iis too shortt to have so much regrets.
iisnt iit?!

always pull-edd myself to the max.
andd noww ii feel uuterrly superr weary.
3 assiignments due thiis comiing week. tues, wed, thurs.
ii fiiniished all these 2 weeks ago.
thats whyy these few days, ii have been editing my own work over and over agaiin.
ii aint sure, just kneww ii had to.
call mii kiia-su or what.
ii dont care.
cause ii swearr ii dont liike the last miin rushiing feelling.
ii know ii cant takke iit.
thats whyy my weekends arre always burnt.
hadd a good 12hr of sleep :)
whichh ii haben had for the past 2 weeks or so.
sleeps can be sacriifiiced but not my grades.
at least, ii diid my best so no regrets even if the grades aiint that good.
liife iis too shortt to have so much regrets.
iisnt iit?!

guess ii am gettiing old,
gettiing easiily emotional over little stuff. :)
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