To Thiink of, ii could reallyy do anythiing for you,
andd ii meannt anythiing withouut any hold backk.
Not for anythiing, but just to make you smiile andd be wiith you thru upss and down.
ii wiish, friiendshiipp could still exiist despiite everythiing.
afterr all, iit wasnt me who let myself down, but you.
IIts suchh a strannge thiing how couple could become stranger the nextt moment,
A curse orr . . .
ii have no iidea, but at least for once, ii felt twiined.
felt that iit was a curse to actually let thiings repeat twiice,
wiith a siimiilar andd pathetiic endiing.
BUT, stiill iit was once a sweetest dream everr.
somewherr iin the cornerr underr the same skyy,
ii wiish andd siincerely prayy thatt you will be happyy no matter wherre you arre. :)

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