fiirstt dayy of CNY!!!
travell to manyy places.
andd of causee gt myy long waiitiing anng pows...
exhaustedd andd borred att relatiive's house.
its the adult-talk.
wrongg world.
anndd ii "fanng-kong" dono how mannyy countless tiime ler..=X
wahs, thee shoess biit myy feet siia..=(
paiin! despiite wearring stockiing.
andd anndd myy whiite shoess diio scrratchh!
wahs, heartt paiin siia.! =(
andd QAD Ling stockiing alsoo got some prob siia..
**shannt sayy herre**
nahs..abtt evenniing tiime, headedd backk to popo house..
babyy chloe came..!
got thess fotos iin ah yii - babyy chloe mummyy fone..
diiner--edd andd playy wiith babyy,
talkedd wiith yii zhang andd ah yii,
xiiao jiiu andd jiie-jiie ( xiiao jiiu gf)
xiiao jiiu andd jiie-jiie ( xiiao jiiu gf)
haha...happie happiie forr themm..
theyy gonna have theiir ROM solemnisatiion iin Marchh!
gdgdgdgd! =)
mustt admiit ii am iindeed morre closee wiith mummy's siide.!
xiiao jiiu, ah yi, da jiiu, yii zhanng theyy all!
theyy r not onlyy my dearestt fammiily members but also my dearrest friiend.
theyy wouldd giive me advice, joke around, crapp andd "gossiip" abtt anotherr relatiive.
no restraiint @ all.

ii superr superr love her man!!!
Biig Beautyy iin futurre~
lill bro andd me!!!
thatt endedd my fiirst dayy of CNY!
ii wann moore angg pows larrhs...=)
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